Thursday, November 28, 2013
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Better with Dogs
Boy, it's been far too long since I posted anything here. I thought I'd use the blog to chronicle Remy's puppyhood and he's 8+ months old already and huge! I guess I forgot just how much work a puppy can be (and I mean that in a good complaints). Given the choice between playing with my puppy and blogging, I guess the puppy wins.
Tonight I'm on a business trip and the dogs are staying home with my husband. I've only been gone a day and I miss them all. And when I found myself with a bit of free time today, after my meetings ended, I was amazingly non-productive. I thought I would relish having some quiet time to catch up on my writing, my reading and maybe a little channel surfing for some sappy movie my husband would never watch with me.
I didn't end up doing much of any of that. I was restless. I went for a walk and I missed having the dogs with me. I sat at my desk and I missed having the dogs at my feet. I ate dinner and I missed having a husband to chat with and two dogs staring longingly at my dinner plate. I channel surfed and landed on Animal Planet. Coincidence? I don't think so. Although it wasn't conscious.
I even missed getting up at the crack of dawn to a whining puppy. I woke up at the crack of dawn this morning anyway, out of habit I guess. What's worse is it was the crack of dawn in a time zone two hours earlier than where I live.
Anyway, I guess I could blame it on jet lag or sleep deprivation or poor travel diet. But I think part of the reason this day seems incomplete is because there weren't any dogs in it. When my husband and I travel without our dogs, we find ourselves fawning over every dog we pass on the street. When we haven't scratched a dog behind the ears in a few days we comment to each other how much we miss not only our dogs, but dog energy in general. There's just something about dogs that feels very real and very much at home, no matter where you are.
I'm not saying anything here that dog people don't already know, and non-dog-people probably think it sounds downright weird. But I really do think dogs make us better people. At least it's true for me. My dogs keep me from spinning off into flights of nervous worry or navel-gazing -- you know, that kind of thinking with which we humans can drive ourselves batty. Dogs are, for me, largely an antidote --at times even a vaccine -- for that affliction. They remind me that we must occasionally drop everything and play. They remind me that the day is better when I take a nap in the middle of it. They remind me that work is not more important than dinner. They remind me to take each day as it comes and that life is a journey so I should not be wasting my time worrying or navel-gazing because those sorts of things get me nowhere.
Yep. I am definitely better with dogs around. If I had my way, there would be a dog in every hotel room, every business meeting, even in every board room, just to remind us all of what's important as we make our big decisions.
I didn't end up doing much of any of that. I was restless. I went for a walk and I missed having the dogs with me. I sat at my desk and I missed having the dogs at my feet. I ate dinner and I missed having a husband to chat with and two dogs staring longingly at my dinner plate. I channel surfed and landed on Animal Planet. Coincidence? I don't think so. Although it wasn't conscious.
I even missed getting up at the crack of dawn to a whining puppy. I woke up at the crack of dawn this morning anyway, out of habit I guess. What's worse is it was the crack of dawn in a time zone two hours earlier than where I live.
Anyway, I guess I could blame it on jet lag or sleep deprivation or poor travel diet. But I think part of the reason this day seems incomplete is because there weren't any dogs in it. When my husband and I travel without our dogs, we find ourselves fawning over every dog we pass on the street. When we haven't scratched a dog behind the ears in a few days we comment to each other how much we miss not only our dogs, but dog energy in general. There's just something about dogs that feels very real and very much at home, no matter where you are.
I'm not saying anything here that dog people don't already know, and non-dog-people probably think it sounds downright weird. But I really do think dogs make us better people. At least it's true for me. My dogs keep me from spinning off into flights of nervous worry or navel-gazing -- you know, that kind of thinking with which we humans can drive ourselves batty. Dogs are, for me, largely an antidote --at times even a vaccine -- for that affliction. They remind me that we must occasionally drop everything and play. They remind me that the day is better when I take a nap in the middle of it. They remind me that work is not more important than dinner. They remind me to take each day as it comes and that life is a journey so I should not be wasting my time worrying or navel-gazing because those sorts of things get me nowhere.
Yep. I am definitely better with dogs around. If I had my way, there would be a dog in every hotel room, every business meeting, even in every board room, just to remind us all of what's important as we make our big decisions.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Remembering Baxter
It's been a year. I still miss you, my friend, and I know I always will. But I have 13 years of wonderful memories that continue to make me smile.
Here's to Baxter Henri Campagnard, the sweetest dog I've ever known.
Here's to Baxter Henri Campagnard, the sweetest dog I've ever known.
- J
Tuesday, April 02, 2013
Pets, Pesticides and P'd-off
UPDATE: Well, I survived the HOA board meeting and I'm pleased to report that it was successful. I made my case. I managed to keep my cool. (I had decided that being calm, straightforward and solution-focused would probably net better results than letting my ire guide me down a less constructive path -- after all, it wasn't clear where the buck stopped on this particular issue.) I explained the consequences of the lack of notification/flagging on our dogs' health. The wincing when I described our puppy sneezing bloody mucous was pretty universal.
The HOA board and landscape committee members who were present at the meeting not only heard my plea, but some of them also had dogs and were equally appalled at the lack of flagging. Others seemed less personally worried about it, but all were in agreement that what I was asking for was perfectly reasonable and should be done.
By the way, it's the subcontractor's fault. Of course, it's always easy to blame the subcontractor, but flagging was asked for as part of the plan. Apparently it was just not clear to the subcontractor (or possibly not adequately explained) what constitutes proper flagging. I volunteered to help them provide more specific guidance as to how many flags and where they should be placed. Nobody took me up on it, but a few people nodded.
As for advance notification, I'm pretty sure the board thinks that it's every resident's job to check the website often, but they agreed that a more proactive form of advance notification would probably reach more people more effectively. They all agreed that posting notices on mailboxes 24-48 hours in advance of spraying should be the process from now on. I don't recall any actual resolution along those lines, but I'm going to believe them until I see the guys out spraying the lawns again.
I also managed to get in a plug for "Integrated Pest Management" with a focus on natural pest controls as an alternative to the automatic annual spraying of pesticides whether we actually have pest problems or not. I agreed to send a bunch of web links to the landscaping committee (which I did) and they promised to look into it.
Now we wait to see if these promises are kept. But I did see a lot of nodding heads in the audience and among the board, so I think things will be done differently next time.
It has taken me nearly three weeks to calm down enough to write this post. But we've been busy tending to two sick dogs who were sick because some ignoramus (or group of ignoramuses...still trying to figure that out) decided it was OK to spray all the grass in our neighborhood with pesticide chemicals and not bother to proactively notify the residents or even post flags noting that chemicals had been sprayed.
Who is ultimately responsible? Not yet sure. You see, the homeowners' association (HOA) board in our community has a landscaping committee that hired a landscape maintenance company to take care of all the community's landscaping including the grass and trees lining the streets as well as a few nice big grassy lawns where residents go with their children and dogs to play. That company subcontracted to another company who are "experts" in the application of pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and other things that end in "icide," which is basically Latin for "kills things."
One day recently, we took the dogs out for a walk and noticed when we came back that there was a strange metallic smell about them, which they had tracked into (and all over) our house. The dogs were licking their feet constantly and sneezing and reverse-sneezing. This was my first clue something had been done to our lawns. We washed the dogs' feet and I checked our community's Yahoo! group and saw nothing. I looked up our community website (which many residents don't even know exists). On it I saw a one-sentence notice that spraying was slated for that very day.
Weird, I thought. There were none of those little brightly colored flags stuck into the lawns anywhere around the areas where we took the dogs out to walk and do their business. There were no flags on the big lawn where our neighbors' 3-year-old grandchild had been playing all afternoon with his friend. Something was amiss, so I sent an email to ask if something had been sprayed, if so when and what. (You see, we and our neighbors have a "no spray" order around our houses because we actually like things like bees and frogs and salamanders and other visiters to our gardens.) Apparently those requests don't apply to anything that looks like grass, because I was informed that a moss killer and pesticide had been applied to all the grass that day. (The fact that the moss had turned brown by the next morning confirmed it.)
They sent me the materials safety data sheets. Of course, those are always scary things to look at, but these said that the chemicals they used are not to be touched, especially when wet, because skin irritation and damage to the mucous membranes could occur, as well as a host of other potential problems if the stuff is ingested. from a 3-year-old rubbing an eye or putting a finger in his mouth, like from a dog licking his feet or sniffing it up his big, sensitive dog nose... Yet, there was not a flag in sight.
I complained. Other neighbors complained.
The next morning two flags showed up at the far end of our multi-block street, right across the street from one another. Nothing else for the rest of the street for another couple of blocks on around the corner. There was one there. The day AFTER. Nothing on the long swaths of lawn that run between the houses. Nothing on the larger lawns where dogs and children play. The grass still smelled like metal, as did our house. By that time, Day 2, our dogs both had constantly running noses and and the reverse sneezing had kept us up a good portion of the night.
The manager from the landscaping company came by the house. He talked to my husband, which was good, because I was livid and not feeling very diplomatic. I'm told he was a nice guy and seemed personally upset that there hadn't been sufficient flagging or notification to residents -- apparently he thought that was supposed to happen. But it didn't. Not sure whose fault that was. Buck officially passed.
The dog nose situation went from bad to worse. Remy, who was not yet 6 months old at the time, developed dark speckles all over his smooth brown nose, and there was a constant stream of snot coming out of him. Kirby's nose and eyes ran constantly. When Remy started sneezing out blood-tinged snot, we took him to the vet, who read the materials safety data sheets and said Remy's and Kirby's symptoms were consistent with exposure to the chemicals. The dogs showed no other signs of illness like a cold or kennel cough. We found out that neighbor dogs were also having issues.
I apprised the HOA board and landscaping committee, mentioned the health situation with dogs, mentioned the livid neighbors whose grandchild was exposed for a good part of the day, mentioned how the chemicals still smelled active when wet with morning dew (even several days later). I asked why there wasn't better notification in advance of the spraying and expressed that, at the very least, even if they can't afford to tell us in advance, they should flag areas that have been treated so people with children and dogs don't get exposed to the wet chemicals.
I got a somewhat terse and official-sounding note back suggesting that email wasn't a good way to get through to them and that I should show up at the next HOA board meeting and voice my complaints there. It kind of seemed like the "snarky email reply template."
I replied, nonetheless, wanting to put it in writing. I re-asserted my contention that it shouldn't be a matter of having to come to an HOA board meeting to request something that is so basic, such a matter of decency and common courtesy. Even if issues like "to spray or not to spray" and proper advance notification are debatable, there is absolutely no way to justify the spraying of toxic and irritating chemicals all around our homes without adequately flagging the areas that have been treated so that we can avoid them.
No reply. Apparently, as I was told, email is not a good way to get through to them.
The HOA board meeting is tomorrow. I'm not looking forward to it, but I haven't lost my head of steam over the issue. About the time Remy started seeming better, our Kirby became quite ill. He developed a secondary sinus infection (when his nose completely crusted over with green mucous we took him to the vet). He's on antibiotics and Benadryl and it's been nearly a week and he's still not entirely better. He can breathe a bit easier now (he was having a hard time breathing through his nose at all), but he still violently reverse-sneezes multiple times throughout the day and night and he seems to be suffering from some hearing loss as well. We are hoping that will clear up when the sinuses do.
All because the simple act of putting a little flag in the ground next to a treated area was either too costly or too bothersome or just not thought of at all. And whose decision (or negligence) was that? The HOA? The landscape committee? The landscape maintenance company? The pesticide sprayer they contracted with?
It's coming up on three weeks since the chemical application. The little blue flags that were sparsely put out the day after the application are still there. So if they never remove the flags, how will we know the next time the DO spray? Negligence x 2.
Needless to say, this isn't over. Once we get to the issue of common decency of letting people know when their neighborhood lawns have been sprayed, we get to the issue of whether to spray at all. In this particular case, one of the things they said they sprayed for was the crane fly, which isn't even a major pest in our area, causes little to no damage that lawns don't repair by themselves over a couple of weeks and for which there are numerous safer alternatives than pesticides. (By the way, the pesticides they use to kill crane flies also kills the crane fly's natural it can make matters worse over time.)
Yes, it's not enough that they sprayed without proper flagging, but also that they sprayed when they didn't have to. And, by the way, three weeks later the fresh green moss is coming up in between the stripes where they sprayed (as evidenced by the brown dead moss). Because they didn't actually remove any of the moss or replant any grass, all that spraying did absolutely no good.
And the icing on the cake is that we PAID for all this unnecessary chemical application with our HOA dues.
Think of the money the HOA would save if they didn't spray for bugs we don't have a problem with! It might even be enough to buy some of those little plastic flags to plant next time they spray our yards for some other pest.
PO'd and signing off for now. More to come...
The HOA board and landscape committee members who were present at the meeting not only heard my plea, but some of them also had dogs and were equally appalled at the lack of flagging. Others seemed less personally worried about it, but all were in agreement that what I was asking for was perfectly reasonable and should be done.
By the way, it's the subcontractor's fault. Of course, it's always easy to blame the subcontractor, but flagging was asked for as part of the plan. Apparently it was just not clear to the subcontractor (or possibly not adequately explained) what constitutes proper flagging. I volunteered to help them provide more specific guidance as to how many flags and where they should be placed. Nobody took me up on it, but a few people nodded.
As for advance notification, I'm pretty sure the board thinks that it's every resident's job to check the website often, but they agreed that a more proactive form of advance notification would probably reach more people more effectively. They all agreed that posting notices on mailboxes 24-48 hours in advance of spraying should be the process from now on. I don't recall any actual resolution along those lines, but I'm going to believe them until I see the guys out spraying the lawns again.
I also managed to get in a plug for "Integrated Pest Management" with a focus on natural pest controls as an alternative to the automatic annual spraying of pesticides whether we actually have pest problems or not. I agreed to send a bunch of web links to the landscaping committee (which I did) and they promised to look into it.
Now we wait to see if these promises are kept. But I did see a lot of nodding heads in the audience and among the board, so I think things will be done differently next time.
It has taken me nearly three weeks to calm down enough to write this post. But we've been busy tending to two sick dogs who were sick because some ignoramus (or group of ignoramuses...still trying to figure that out) decided it was OK to spray all the grass in our neighborhood with pesticide chemicals and not bother to proactively notify the residents or even post flags noting that chemicals had been sprayed.
Who is ultimately responsible? Not yet sure. You see, the homeowners' association (HOA) board in our community has a landscaping committee that hired a landscape maintenance company to take care of all the community's landscaping including the grass and trees lining the streets as well as a few nice big grassy lawns where residents go with their children and dogs to play. That company subcontracted to another company who are "experts" in the application of pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and other things that end in "icide," which is basically Latin for "kills things."
One day recently, we took the dogs out for a walk and noticed when we came back that there was a strange metallic smell about them, which they had tracked into (and all over) our house. The dogs were licking their feet constantly and sneezing and reverse-sneezing. This was my first clue something had been done to our lawns. We washed the dogs' feet and I checked our community's Yahoo! group and saw nothing. I looked up our community website (which many residents don't even know exists). On it I saw a one-sentence notice that spraying was slated for that very day.
Weird, I thought. There were none of those little brightly colored flags stuck into the lawns anywhere around the areas where we took the dogs out to walk and do their business. There were no flags on the big lawn where our neighbors' 3-year-old grandchild had been playing all afternoon with his friend. Something was amiss, so I sent an email to ask if something had been sprayed, if so when and what. (You see, we and our neighbors have a "no spray" order around our houses because we actually like things like bees and frogs and salamanders and other visiters to our gardens.) Apparently those requests don't apply to anything that looks like grass, because I was informed that a moss killer and pesticide had been applied to all the grass that day. (The fact that the moss had turned brown by the next morning confirmed it.)
They sent me the materials safety data sheets. Of course, those are always scary things to look at, but these said that the chemicals they used are not to be touched, especially when wet, because skin irritation and damage to the mucous membranes could occur, as well as a host of other potential problems if the stuff is ingested. from a 3-year-old rubbing an eye or putting a finger in his mouth, like from a dog licking his feet or sniffing it up his big, sensitive dog nose... Yet, there was not a flag in sight.
I complained. Other neighbors complained.
The next morning two flags showed up at the far end of our multi-block street, right across the street from one another. Nothing else for the rest of the street for another couple of blocks on around the corner. There was one there. The day AFTER. Nothing on the long swaths of lawn that run between the houses. Nothing on the larger lawns where dogs and children play. The grass still smelled like metal, as did our house. By that time, Day 2, our dogs both had constantly running noses and and the reverse sneezing had kept us up a good portion of the night.
The manager from the landscaping company came by the house. He talked to my husband, which was good, because I was livid and not feeling very diplomatic. I'm told he was a nice guy and seemed personally upset that there hadn't been sufficient flagging or notification to residents -- apparently he thought that was supposed to happen. But it didn't. Not sure whose fault that was. Buck officially passed.
The dog nose situation went from bad to worse. Remy, who was not yet 6 months old at the time, developed dark speckles all over his smooth brown nose, and there was a constant stream of snot coming out of him. Kirby's nose and eyes ran constantly. When Remy started sneezing out blood-tinged snot, we took him to the vet, who read the materials safety data sheets and said Remy's and Kirby's symptoms were consistent with exposure to the chemicals. The dogs showed no other signs of illness like a cold or kennel cough. We found out that neighbor dogs were also having issues.
I apprised the HOA board and landscaping committee, mentioned the health situation with dogs, mentioned the livid neighbors whose grandchild was exposed for a good part of the day, mentioned how the chemicals still smelled active when wet with morning dew (even several days later). I asked why there wasn't better notification in advance of the spraying and expressed that, at the very least, even if they can't afford to tell us in advance, they should flag areas that have been treated so people with children and dogs don't get exposed to the wet chemicals.
I got a somewhat terse and official-sounding note back suggesting that email wasn't a good way to get through to them and that I should show up at the next HOA board meeting and voice my complaints there. It kind of seemed like the "snarky email reply template."
I replied, nonetheless, wanting to put it in writing. I re-asserted my contention that it shouldn't be a matter of having to come to an HOA board meeting to request something that is so basic, such a matter of decency and common courtesy. Even if issues like "to spray or not to spray" and proper advance notification are debatable, there is absolutely no way to justify the spraying of toxic and irritating chemicals all around our homes without adequately flagging the areas that have been treated so that we can avoid them.
No reply. Apparently, as I was told, email is not a good way to get through to them.
The HOA board meeting is tomorrow. I'm not looking forward to it, but I haven't lost my head of steam over the issue. About the time Remy started seeming better, our Kirby became quite ill. He developed a secondary sinus infection (when his nose completely crusted over with green mucous we took him to the vet). He's on antibiotics and Benadryl and it's been nearly a week and he's still not entirely better. He can breathe a bit easier now (he was having a hard time breathing through his nose at all), but he still violently reverse-sneezes multiple times throughout the day and night and he seems to be suffering from some hearing loss as well. We are hoping that will clear up when the sinuses do.
All because the simple act of putting a little flag in the ground next to a treated area was either too costly or too bothersome or just not thought of at all. And whose decision (or negligence) was that? The HOA? The landscape committee? The landscape maintenance company? The pesticide sprayer they contracted with?
It's coming up on three weeks since the chemical application. The little blue flags that were sparsely put out the day after the application are still there. So if they never remove the flags, how will we know the next time the DO spray? Negligence x 2.
Needless to say, this isn't over. Once we get to the issue of common decency of letting people know when their neighborhood lawns have been sprayed, we get to the issue of whether to spray at all. In this particular case, one of the things they said they sprayed for was the crane fly, which isn't even a major pest in our area, causes little to no damage that lawns don't repair by themselves over a couple of weeks and for which there are numerous safer alternatives than pesticides. (By the way, the pesticides they use to kill crane flies also kills the crane fly's natural it can make matters worse over time.)
Yes, it's not enough that they sprayed without proper flagging, but also that they sprayed when they didn't have to. And, by the way, three weeks later the fresh green moss is coming up in between the stripes where they sprayed (as evidenced by the brown dead moss). Because they didn't actually remove any of the moss or replant any grass, all that spraying did absolutely no good.
And the icing on the cake is that we PAID for all this unnecessary chemical application with our HOA dues.
Think of the money the HOA would save if they didn't spray for bugs we don't have a problem with! It might even be enough to buy some of those little plastic flags to plant next time they spray our yards for some other pest.
PO'd and signing off for now. More to come...
Monday, February 25, 2013
Detente with Treats and a Spray Bottle
I'm thrilled to report that the rather strained relations between Kirby and Remy have improved. While it's not yet an entirely peaceful household as far as the canines are concerned, we have come a long way and we had a true breakthrough this past Friday.
As I've chronicled here before, relations between Remy and Kirby have been a bit strained. If they're together, they're wrestling. At least that's how it has been pretty much ever since we brought Remy home. We've tried force -- pulling the dogs apart, telling them "leave it!" or "stop it!" but sometimes the grabbing and forceful words just seem to reinforce the fighting mood. Only a human-imposed segregation of the two dogs has allowed us peace for any extended period of time.
On Friday I was on puppy duty. (Jamie and I have been taking turns watching Remy and working downstairs while the other person works in their office upstairs with Kirby. Remy has a crate, but since we both work from home, we are afforded the opportunity to not have the little guy in a crate all day.)
Anyway... it was a day when we both really needed to work from our upstairs offices. I decided to go ahead and have both Remy and Kirby in the office with me. Of course, immediately there was a Tasmanian-devil-meets-Iowa-tornado-like whirling mass of rolling, growling, biting scruffiness happening under my desk. It wasn't long before I'd had enough. I went and got a spray bottle and a bag of little treats. I came back to my desk where the war raged on and gave them both a spritz. Immediately things fell shockingly silent. From under the desk there were four eyes focused on me, shining from from disheveled little faces, both wearing expressions of WTF?!?
Ten seconds later the wrestling started again. Another spray. WTF?!? After the third spray things were quiet a bit longer. I gave them both treats. Whoa. Treats! This process went on, with treats applied for calmness, until, I'm shocked to report, they each staked out a spot and took a nap. In the same room. It was almost unbelievable...especially given that the spray bottle was just a mister I use for ironing.
That night we had both of them up on the blanket-covered couch together and they slept through an entire movie...side by side. Touching even. The spray bottle and treats (liberally applied for good behavior) were sitting on the coffee table. Again, an almost unbelievable turnaround.
We've now done this every evening since and it seems to be sticking. It seems rather silly to say this, but ever since we brought Remy home (and even before), I've dreamed of having the two dogs stretched out with me on the couch as we watched a movie. It's never happened before, so this is HUGE for me.
Yesterday, while Remy napped in my office, I caught Kirby licking Remy's face and ears -- just like he used to do with Baxter -- and Remy seemed to like it. I think they genuinely enjoy each other's company, even if they have odd ways of showing it. And now that they know they can be together without fighting, they seem to rather like it. It's as if they've been given permission NOT to fight sometimes.
This is a pretty good testament to positive reinforcement -- rewarding positive behavior and applying just enough correction so the dogs know what's expected of them. Now it becomes a matter of motivation and choices...
A few days into this I'm finding the spray bottle/treat combo doesn't ALWAYS work. Remy and Kirby both understand the carrot and the stick aspect very well now. But sometimes the urge to wrestle is just greater than either of those options. I realize these guys need time to play and it would be wrong to expect them to never play together, even if the play seems a bit rough at times.
So now we're trying to dole out sanctioned play time. Of course, once they get into the fervor of it, it's rather difficult to get them to stop. It's a learning process. And it's not fool-proof. I did have a harder time managing the under-desk wrestling today. The spray/treat combo was working at first, but not for as long at a time.
I asked myself what was different? I think part of it is Remy has decided that he doesn't mind the spritz so much. (He is a water dog, after all, and he's also a fast that initial element of surprise didn't last long.) But, moreso, I think it's because it was a blustery day and we didn't get Remy out for very much exercise. The little dude just HAS to get his gonzo puppy energy out somewhere and, at 5 months old, he has a lot of gonzo puppy energy. Today was evidence that at least part of the trick to maintaining the peace on the home front is having a tired puppy.
Note to self: weathering the storm outside means not weathering a dog tornado inside for the rest of the day.
Friday, February 01, 2013
Potty Bells and Big Buts
Potty bells. They really do work. A bell placed near the door will help your puppy train you.
Some of you may remember our experiences housetraining Kirby with the little hotel bell from the office supply store. We tried this, but Remy (aka Bigfoot) just wasn't having luck getting the little bell to ring effectively, so we instead hung one of those dangling ribbons of bells on the front door. I swear, Remy picked up the general idea in about two outings to the yard and he's been consistently using the bells now for several weeks. Just knowing when the puppy has to go to the bathroom -- and knowing that the puppy knows when he has to go to the bathroom -- is a huge relief compared to the guesswork of early puppy housetraining.
I guess these stories always come with a big but... (thank you Pee Wee Herman).
Remy has decided that the bells have trained his humans quite well and that we are now ready to move on to using the bells as a way to communicate his more sophisticated desires, such as:
Some of you may remember our experiences housetraining Kirby with the little hotel bell from the office supply store. We tried this, but Remy (aka Bigfoot) just wasn't having luck getting the little bell to ring effectively, so we instead hung one of those dangling ribbons of bells on the front door. I swear, Remy picked up the general idea in about two outings to the yard and he's been consistently using the bells now for several weeks. Just knowing when the puppy has to go to the bathroom -- and knowing that the puppy knows when he has to go to the bathroom -- is a huge relief compared to the guesswork of early puppy housetraining.
I guess these stories always come with a big but... (thank you Pee Wee Herman).
Remy has decided that the bells have trained his humans quite well and that we are now ready to move on to using the bells as a way to communicate his more sophisticated desires, such as:
- RING! I need you to open the gate so Kirby can come down and wrestle with me.
- RING! I need you to close your laptop and play with me. Now.
- RING! You have just started watching another interminably long DVD and I'm bored to tears.
- RING! It has been at least 10 minutes since you last stopped the interminably long DVD, said some words I didn't quite recognize and took me outside, so it's time to go again. Have I mentioned I'm bored to tears?
- RING! There you go saying those words again. I don't think I like them. I don't have to pee, but it smells really interesting outside. Did I see a little black and white striped "kitty" out there last time? I think I did.
- RING! Have I mentioned I'm bored? I have at least seven toys sitting in front of me but you are just so busy doing something else...I feel like we need to connect. Really, we do. And you have opposable thumbs and can turn the doorknob...
It worked for a while. Remy had us jumping EVERY TIME. For weeks. Now methinks he has "rung wolf" a few too many times. We're not falling for it anymore. Remy is not pleased. If we've taken him outside in the last 15 minutes and we see him pacing back and forth, looking bored, and we hear the bell again, we just say "no Remy, not this time."
After a couple of these attempts at ringing to no avail, the other day Remy started ringing and then barking when he really had to go. Perhaps this is a good thing. Now a ring means "I want something" and a ring with a sharp "woof" means I REALLY have to go outside.
What's next?
Sometimes I feel like a dog butler.
Friday, January 25, 2013
Separation Whining and a Moment of Bliss
We have been blessed with dogs that do not suffer from separation anxiety, and little Remy shows no signs of developing it. He doesn't particularly relish being left in his crate when we step out of the house for a short time. He whines a bit at first (we listen from outside), but he quickly settles down to a nap. From day one, on the trip home from California, Remy has known that his crate is his safe place -- whether in the car, in the living room or in the bedroom. And when he's in it, he knows we will come back. I think this gives him comfort. It certainly did for Baxter and for Kirby starting from puppyhood.
Today's separation whining is mine. All mine. The dogs don't know I'm leaving for a couple of days. My husband, Jamie, will be home to take care of them, so I'm not worried about that aspect. He does the lion's share of the dog feeding, walking and puppy watching while I'm working upstairs in my home office during the day anyway (even though it has forced Jamie to adapt our kitchen into a makeshift art studio). I think they might miss me a little, dogs and husband, but I'm not really worried about that either. I will miss them all. And I rather look forward to the enthusiastic greetings I know I will receive when I get home.
No, this whining and vague hint of anxiety is about two things: 1) feeling guilty about leaving poor Jamie with 24/7 puppy duty for the whole weekend and 2) realizing that I've never been away from Remy for more than a few short hours at a time.
As I sit here on the sofa this morning, knowing I have a ton of things to do: packing, shopping, prepping food (this is a women's choir retreat and food is second only to music), I realize how very content I am to be here right now, in the early morning, sitting on the sofa writing on my laptop with little Remy curled up by my side chewing on a toy. He has positioned himself so that his back touches my elbow, like an extension of me. He feels me typing and I feel him chewing. This is bliss.
For me, sharing a quiet moment with a dog is often richer than sharing a quiet moment alone. There is a calmness that emanates from a dog -- even a puppy at times -- that is far more still and settled than my own, overly-busy mind. The dog brings a warmth, a solidity, a connection to the Earth that I, as a human, can too easily lose track of. Right now, in this quiet, morning moment, Remy and I expect nothing of each other other than just being here.
And that is what I will miss the most this weekend.
Today's separation whining is mine. All mine. The dogs don't know I'm leaving for a couple of days. My husband, Jamie, will be home to take care of them, so I'm not worried about that aspect. He does the lion's share of the dog feeding, walking and puppy watching while I'm working upstairs in my home office during the day anyway (even though it has forced Jamie to adapt our kitchen into a makeshift art studio). I think they might miss me a little, dogs and husband, but I'm not really worried about that either. I will miss them all. And I rather look forward to the enthusiastic greetings I know I will receive when I get home.
No, this whining and vague hint of anxiety is about two things: 1) feeling guilty about leaving poor Jamie with 24/7 puppy duty for the whole weekend and 2) realizing that I've never been away from Remy for more than a few short hours at a time.
As I sit here on the sofa this morning, knowing I have a ton of things to do: packing, shopping, prepping food (this is a women's choir retreat and food is second only to music), I realize how very content I am to be here right now, in the early morning, sitting on the sofa writing on my laptop with little Remy curled up by my side chewing on a toy. He has positioned himself so that his back touches my elbow, like an extension of me. He feels me typing and I feel him chewing. This is bliss.
For me, sharing a quiet moment with a dog is often richer than sharing a quiet moment alone. There is a calmness that emanates from a dog -- even a puppy at times -- that is far more still and settled than my own, overly-busy mind. The dog brings a warmth, a solidity, a connection to the Earth that I, as a human, can too easily lose track of. Right now, in this quiet, morning moment, Remy and I expect nothing of each other other than just being here.
And that is what I will miss the most this weekend.
Monday, January 14, 2013
Psych: Or Teaching Your Dog that Tooth Brushing is FUN
Kirby is living proof that you can teach an old dog new tricks. Well, a middle-aged dog, anyway. We're proud to say that we taught Kirby to "sit up" at the age of six. Not bad. And he does it extremely well with an artistic flair, a little cock of the head and off-kilter holding of the paws that makes him calendar-worthy. Seriously. It rivals the best "sit up" I've ever seen. But that's not what I'm most proud of...that would have to be the tooth brushing.
You see, we didn't start brushing Kirby's teeth on a daily basis until he was nearly six years old (detailed confessions below). But now, I'm very proud to say, Kirby LOVES to have his teeth brushed. For us it had to be every day or it wouldn't happen. There's something about a daily routine that helps both the humans and the canines to get into the groove.
The thing that made all the difference was the combination of the psych factor and the poultry-flavored toothpaste: poultry-flavored toothpaste is a TREAT. Really, it is. It is a treat that is delivered via a long, plastic handle with bristles on the end, and it is lovingly distributed all around the mouth via the teeth. It is a TREAT that is lovingly given each night after the last trip to the yard. It is something to look forward to.
It took a few nights of letting Kirby just lick the toothpaste off a finger-brush to get the idea. Pretty soon we were working our way around the mouth (outsides of teeth only...I do value my fingers and the vet tells me the enzymes in the toothpaste still work their way around to the insides of the teeth, even if I can't get to them). Now, each and every night, without interruption, Kirby runs inside and waits by the kitchen counter for his "brushy-brushy" treat.
On our recent visit to the veterinarian in December he exclaimed how clean Kirby's teeth were. I felt proud. Kirby couldn't have cared less, but he wagged his tail anyway. I think he was just angling for the vet to give him a treat. And yes, he did sit up, extraordinarily well.
We've started Remy out on the same protocol... and, at least as far as tooth-brushing is concerned, the model-rival teaching method is working LIKE A CHARM. Even though we know Remy's baby teeth will fall out in the next few months, we want Remy to believe that tooth-brushing is a TREAT. At the moment, anything Kirby considers a treat, Remy considers a treat, and he will protest until he gets some of whatever Kirby is getting. So each night, starting the week we brought him home, we have tortured poor Remy by making him watch (enthusiasm held in check by my husband holding a leash) as Kirby gets his "brushy brushy." Now Remy can't wait to have his little milk teeth brushed. I still can't use a regular toothbrush (he thinks it's a chew toy) but he loves having his gums massaged by the finger brush. For a soon-to-be-teething puppy, I think it's actually kind of a nice feeling.
Confession time. It wasn't always this way with the happy tooth-brushing in our household. I'm rather embarrassed to say that we didn't start brushing either Baxter's or Kirby's teeth when they were puppies. Despite advice from our veterinarian to "brush regularly," we waited too long and too loosely interpreted the word "regularly." By the time Baxter had his adult teeth, the entire process of tooth-brushing was so gut-wrenching, so fraught with drama and pathos (if you've ever seen a Griff looking both defiant and pathetic at the same time, you know exactly what I'm talking about...) we didn't have the heart or physical stamina to subject him to tooth brushing very often.
As Baxter aged and started getting more plaque build-up, we started brushing more often, but every attempt was a battle, so we didn't get very far. Kirby, taking his cue from big brother, resisted as well. Baxter never really did embrace the idea with any enthusiasm, and I'm sad to say that he left this world never having enjoyed a good tooth-brushing. Even with the poultry-flavored toothpaste.
After Kirby became the only dog, at age five-and-a-half, things changed....but not until we got our wake-up call. Kirby had had his teeth professionally cleaned a few years before, yet he had developed a lot of plaque in the following years, far more than Baxter ever had, and at a much faster rate. This summer, a few months after Baxter passed away, we took Kirby in for a recommended professional cleaning. They discovered that he had had two slab fractures on a couple of his upper molars -- vertical fractures that went all the way to the root. Apparently the fractures had been rather hidden by the plaque and the severity wasn't noted until after the teeth were clean. Kirby had been acting slow and sad, but we thought it was just part of his grieving over the loss of Baxter (and I'm sure some of it was). Because the teeth were so damaged, and likely painful for Kirby as well, our veterinarian recommended we have the teeth pulled.
Poor Kirby. We're not sure exactly how or when the fractures happened, but we think it was from chewing on some tasty sterilized cow bones that friends had given him. Kirby definitely had more anxiety than usual after Baxter passed away and he probably took some of it out on the bones...and his teeth. But how could we not have known? In any case, two dog molars -- and a doggie dental bill that rivals the same procedure for a human -- later, we decided that doggie dental care would become a priority.
Today, Kirby is living testament that it's never too late to start brushing your dog's long as you apply some patience, psychology and poultry flavoring. And now, thanks to Kirby's trail-blazing, we're starting Remy off right for a life of pearly white teeth.
You see, we didn't start brushing Kirby's teeth on a daily basis until he was nearly six years old (detailed confessions below). But now, I'm very proud to say, Kirby LOVES to have his teeth brushed. For us it had to be every day or it wouldn't happen. There's something about a daily routine that helps both the humans and the canines to get into the groove.
The thing that made all the difference was the combination of the psych factor and the poultry-flavored toothpaste: poultry-flavored toothpaste is a TREAT. Really, it is. It is a treat that is delivered via a long, plastic handle with bristles on the end, and it is lovingly distributed all around the mouth via the teeth. It is a TREAT that is lovingly given each night after the last trip to the yard. It is something to look forward to.
It took a few nights of letting Kirby just lick the toothpaste off a finger-brush to get the idea. Pretty soon we were working our way around the mouth (outsides of teeth only...I do value my fingers and the vet tells me the enzymes in the toothpaste still work their way around to the insides of the teeth, even if I can't get to them). Now, each and every night, without interruption, Kirby runs inside and waits by the kitchen counter for his "brushy-brushy" treat.
On our recent visit to the veterinarian in December he exclaimed how clean Kirby's teeth were. I felt proud. Kirby couldn't have cared less, but he wagged his tail anyway. I think he was just angling for the vet to give him a treat. And yes, he did sit up, extraordinarily well.
![]() |
Remy's first tooth brushing at 9 weeks... Now he sits upright for it. |
Confession time. It wasn't always this way with the happy tooth-brushing in our household. I'm rather embarrassed to say that we didn't start brushing either Baxter's or Kirby's teeth when they were puppies. Despite advice from our veterinarian to "brush regularly," we waited too long and too loosely interpreted the word "regularly." By the time Baxter had his adult teeth, the entire process of tooth-brushing was so gut-wrenching, so fraught with drama and pathos (if you've ever seen a Griff looking both defiant and pathetic at the same time, you know exactly what I'm talking about...) we didn't have the heart or physical stamina to subject him to tooth brushing very often.
As Baxter aged and started getting more plaque build-up, we started brushing more often, but every attempt was a battle, so we didn't get very far. Kirby, taking his cue from big brother, resisted as well. Baxter never really did embrace the idea with any enthusiasm, and I'm sad to say that he left this world never having enjoyed a good tooth-brushing. Even with the poultry-flavored toothpaste.
After Kirby became the only dog, at age five-and-a-half, things changed....but not until we got our wake-up call. Kirby had had his teeth professionally cleaned a few years before, yet he had developed a lot of plaque in the following years, far more than Baxter ever had, and at a much faster rate. This summer, a few months after Baxter passed away, we took Kirby in for a recommended professional cleaning. They discovered that he had had two slab fractures on a couple of his upper molars -- vertical fractures that went all the way to the root. Apparently the fractures had been rather hidden by the plaque and the severity wasn't noted until after the teeth were clean. Kirby had been acting slow and sad, but we thought it was just part of his grieving over the loss of Baxter (and I'm sure some of it was). Because the teeth were so damaged, and likely painful for Kirby as well, our veterinarian recommended we have the teeth pulled.
Poor Kirby. We're not sure exactly how or when the fractures happened, but we think it was from chewing on some tasty sterilized cow bones that friends had given him. Kirby definitely had more anxiety than usual after Baxter passed away and he probably took some of it out on the bones...and his teeth. But how could we not have known? In any case, two dog molars -- and a doggie dental bill that rivals the same procedure for a human -- later, we decided that doggie dental care would become a priority.
Today, Kirby is living testament that it's never too late to start brushing your dog's long as you apply some patience, psychology and poultry flavoring. And now, thanks to Kirby's trail-blazing, we're starting Remy off right for a life of pearly white teeth.
cow bones,
dog tooth brushing,
slab fracture
Sunday, January 06, 2013
Blessed are the Squeakmakers
It often takes me a couple of days to finish a blog post, mostly because I'm spending most of my non-work time playing with Remy. (What a joyful way to put off getting anything done around the house!) Well, I'd been working on the previous post about Remy and Kirby and their almost non-stop wrestling when, yesterday morning, they had a rare moment of togetherness without any wrestling happening at all. Then it happened again yesterday evening after I had just spent time on the Griffology Facebook page engaging with other Griff owners for advice. Lo and behold, detente was achieved yet again this morning. Could it be that the act of committing something to Internet-published verbiage changes the behavior just to make my posts out of date?!? Whatever it is, I'll take it as a sign to keep on writing.
The latest truce happened, somewhat surprisingly, over some squeaky toys. Yesterday afternoon, a friend came over to meet Remy and she brought a couple of rubber squeaky toys as gifts, a little one for Kirby and a big one for Remy. Both dogs loved their squeakies and immediately launched into fits of running around and squeaking that made human conversation a tad challenging, but we all were so happy that they were happy, we just proceeded to yell over tea.
After a while, Kirby decided to take his squeaker toy upstairs to hide it (Kirby now asks to go upstairs). Later that afternoon Kirby brought his toy back down the stairs and deposited it just inside his side of the gate at the bottom of the stairs...right out of Remy's reach. Remy spent a long time -- as in at least 15 minutes -- reaching through the gate with his paws to try to get that little squeaky toy out. I'm shocked at the degree of focus he has for a 14-week-old puppy. Eventually we moved on to something else.
After dinner and Remy's evening nap in the crate (during which time Kirby, Jamie and I settled in for a movie) we let Remy out for another play session. This time Kirby was on the sofa with the big squeaker and Remy was on the floor. Remy immediately found the little squeaker and went about chomping on it, much to Kirby's chagrin. Despite having a perfectly good squeaky toy himself, Kirby could not stop obsessing over the fact that Remy had the little squeaker.
I'm not sure what prompted this behavior -- whether it was an act of Griffy kindness or just a random act of play -- but Remy looked up at Kirby staring down at him, then brought over the little squeaker, put his front legs up on the couch and deposited the little toy in front of Kirby. He then licked Kirby's chin and looked at Kirby sweetly. Was this a peace offering? Kirby just sat there looking at the toy, then looking at Remy. I wasn't sure if Kirby was in a state of total dismay, if he was basking in his moment of superiority or if he was just happy to now have possession of his preferred squeaker. Remy waited a few moments, then gingerly slipped the big squeaker toy off the couch and took it over to the rug to play with it. I've never before considered that peace might sound like rubber squeaky toys, but, apparently, sometimes it does.
Kirby and Remy have had a couple of wrestling matches since, but much to my surprise and delight, the truce thing happened again this morning, when there was just one squeaker toy between the two dogs. Kirby, who is prone to resource-guarding at times, didn't even growl when Remy came over. And Remy, to his credit, didn't make a mad dodge for Kirby's toy. He just stood there, tail wagging, staring at his little big brother. Kirby started wagging his tail, then proceeded to sniff Remy from nose to tail. Once they finished sniffing each other, Kirby calmly picked up the little toy and asked to go upstairs. And that was that. Remy's now running around the living room by himself, squeaking his toy with joyful abandon.
Life is good.
The latest truce happened, somewhat surprisingly, over some squeaky toys. Yesterday afternoon, a friend came over to meet Remy and she brought a couple of rubber squeaky toys as gifts, a little one for Kirby and a big one for Remy. Both dogs loved their squeakies and immediately launched into fits of running around and squeaking that made human conversation a tad challenging, but we all were so happy that they were happy, we just proceeded to yell over tea.
After a while, Kirby decided to take his squeaker toy upstairs to hide it (Kirby now asks to go upstairs). Later that afternoon Kirby brought his toy back down the stairs and deposited it just inside his side of the gate at the bottom of the stairs...right out of Remy's reach. Remy spent a long time -- as in at least 15 minutes -- reaching through the gate with his paws to try to get that little squeaky toy out. I'm shocked at the degree of focus he has for a 14-week-old puppy. Eventually we moved on to something else.
After dinner and Remy's evening nap in the crate (during which time Kirby, Jamie and I settled in for a movie) we let Remy out for another play session. This time Kirby was on the sofa with the big squeaker and Remy was on the floor. Remy immediately found the little squeaker and went about chomping on it, much to Kirby's chagrin. Despite having a perfectly good squeaky toy himself, Kirby could not stop obsessing over the fact that Remy had the little squeaker.
I'm not sure what prompted this behavior -- whether it was an act of Griffy kindness or just a random act of play -- but Remy looked up at Kirby staring down at him, then brought over the little squeaker, put his front legs up on the couch and deposited the little toy in front of Kirby. He then licked Kirby's chin and looked at Kirby sweetly. Was this a peace offering? Kirby just sat there looking at the toy, then looking at Remy. I wasn't sure if Kirby was in a state of total dismay, if he was basking in his moment of superiority or if he was just happy to now have possession of his preferred squeaker. Remy waited a few moments, then gingerly slipped the big squeaker toy off the couch and took it over to the rug to play with it. I've never before considered that peace might sound like rubber squeaky toys, but, apparently, sometimes it does.
Kirby and Remy have had a couple of wrestling matches since, but much to my surprise and delight, the truce thing happened again this morning, when there was just one squeaker toy between the two dogs. Kirby, who is prone to resource-guarding at times, didn't even growl when Remy came over. And Remy, to his credit, didn't make a mad dodge for Kirby's toy. He just stood there, tail wagging, staring at his little big brother. Kirby started wagging his tail, then proceeded to sniff Remy from nose to tail. Once they finished sniffing each other, Kirby calmly picked up the little toy and asked to go upstairs. And that was that. Remy's now running around the living room by himself, squeaking his toy with joyful abandon.
Life is good.
Saturday, January 05, 2013
Morning Choreography and Wishing for Another Boat
This morning we had a rare moment of peace while Remy and Kirby were in the same room, untethered. Well, it was somewhat enforced by the fact that rather than putting Remy in his crate, we tried tying him to the sofa to keep them separated until they both calmed down. At one point, when the two dogs were resting quietly, I unhooked Remy’s leash and the two managed to be within three feet of each other without wrestling for at least 10 minutes. That is a record.
This passion for wrestling is particularly annoying first thing in the morning when one spouse is trying to sleep. Due to Remy’s early morning potty call, Jamie and I have been taking turns so that we both aren’t entirely sleep-deprived. Jamie has, by far, taken the majority of morning outings, largely because I’m a more sound sleeper and he hears Remy’s rumblings first. That, and he’s just a really nice guy. But lately Jamie’s been fighting off a cold so I’ve been trying to let him sleep in.
Of course, first thing in the morning (which, for Remy, is the crack o’dark) the puppy is all recharged from a night in the crate and is ready for action. Jamie describes the choreography of getting Remy and Kirby outside and fed in the morning as being like the old puzzle of the farmer with the fox, the chicken and the corn trying to figure out how to get them all across the river when his boat is only big enough to take one at a time…
The morning scenario goes something like this:
The morning scenario goes something like this:

Once the leashes are on, I open the gate and let Kirby out. There is a moment of mayhem as I try to get both dogs through the door…Kirby goes first while I yard back Remy’s leash to keep him from jumping on Kirby on the way out the door. We walk with Kirby on a longer leash and hold Remy back just far enough to keep him from grabbing at Kirby’s flank hair. On rare mornings they will walk and sniff the trees together for up to 15 seconds at a time, but unless one of them is doing his business, it’s usually a constant effort to keep Remy from jumping on Kirby.
As anyone who walks dogs knows, there are those moments when you need to get the poop bag out of your pocket, get the pesky thing open and over your hand ready for use. On a cold morning, fumbling with gloves and two leashes and a fresh bag that doesn’t want to separate at the top is always a chore. Doing this while keeping two dogs from wrestling and keeping myself from shouting at them and waking the neighbors at 5:30am takes it to a whole new level. The ballet moves involve stepping on Remy’s leash with one foot to keep him at a safe distance from both Kirby and the poo while lunging out with the other foot and reaching to pick up the aforementioned poo without letting go of either leash. Of course, this has to happen at least once for each dog without losing a glove, the poo or my mind. Sometimes Kirby just loses some hair. That’s the way it goes. If he doesn’t get out of the way, there’s only so much I can do.
Back on the home front, it’s time for breakfast. I want to feed Kirby first, because he is the elder dog. This is all but impossible if one is trying to maintain peace and quiet. If I put Remy in his pen while I’m working on the food, there will be howling. If I don’t put Remy in the pen, he will eat Kirby’s food. Kirby is afraid of the sound of the metal pen when Remy jumps up on the side of it. Kirby runs upstairs. Remy gets his food first. Remy sits quietly at my feet watching me prepare the food and pour water into the bowls. The look on his little face is so sweet and innocent I just want to hug and kiss him and it’s hard to believe he is anything but perfect.
I take Remy’s water and food over to his pen and give him the sit and stay commands while I set the bowls down. Remy actually does this now, which is pretty great. When I give the OK he launches into the pen, I shut the door, put down Kirby’s food and call Kirby back downstairs. They both gobble down their food. As soon as Remy starts jumping on the side of the pen, Kirby runs upstairs. I close the stairway gate and let Remy out. We have a few minutes of blissful quiet as Remy pads around, plays with his toys and lets me rub his tummy. Remy stations himself at my feet while I read or write on my laptop. Pretty soon Kirby decides he wants to be downstairs with us. He knows what will happen, yet he sits behind the gate and whines. Pretty soon the whines turn into barks (after all the effort to remain quiet, this is what usually wakes up the spouse). Now I have three choices: put Remy back into his crate and let Kirby out (which makes Remy whine and bark), keep Remy out and let Kirby whine and bark at the gate (either of which will wake up my spouse and by this point I’m too tired and frustrated to care) or just let Kirby out and play referee as the two of them duke it out in the living room. None of these sound like good options at 6am. It amazes me that Jamie manages to do this a majority of the time without waking me up. Whether that’s a testament to my deep sleeping habits or his ability to execute the morning dance more effectively we may never know, but I’m thankful for it.
We don’t know how much refereeing we should be doing during these wrestling matches between Remy and Kirby. At nearly 14 weeks, Remy is now taller than Kirby, but Kirby still has the bigger teeth and adult strength. Kirby knows exactly what it takes to get Remy off of him (a yelp and a snap usually do the trick), yet he seldom does it. He dashes under the sofa, knowing full well that Remy is still small enough to get under there with him, and the two just roll around on their backs kicking at each other with their front paws and chewing on each other’s faces. Occasionally Kirby will make a break for it and run around the living room with Remy in hot pursuit. But it almost always ends up under the sofa. When I’m sitting on top, it sounds (and feels) like there are two wild animals under there, scratching and bumping and making little growly noises.
These wrestling matches don’t just happen in the morning. They pretty much happen any time Remy and Kirby are together. Remy is the instigator at least 80% - 90% of the time. But it’s surprising to me — for how miserable Kirby seems when he’s being mauled by the puppy — just how often Kirby instigates it. It almost seems like he wants to wrestle. Yet, after a bit, he starts looking desperate and makes a mad dash for the upstairs, hoping that one of the humans will close the gate behind him. We worry about Kirby sometimes because these wrestling matches seem to wear him out. But Kirby’s level of agitation at being separated from the family seems even harder on him at times.
What surprises me most is that still, to this day, there has been no bloodshed, no major squealing in pain, from either of them. Remy still manages to pull out wads of Kirby’s hair. Kirby has had various parts of Remy in his teeth many times and never clamps down enough to hurt the puppy. Like a good big brother, he knows just how far he can go without making his little brother cry. But like a naughty big brother, Kirby also knows how to lord his power over the little guy. This happens whenever Remy is being restrained in any way and Kirby is free. For example, over the holidays, when Remy’s leash was tied to a chair so we could keep track of him during a family game of Trivial Pursuit, Kirby (who had free run of the entire house) stationed himself 2” from the limit of Remy’s reach and proceeded to play with his toys. When Remy is in his crate, Kirby goes out of his way to get a toy and sit right in front of the door of the crate to play with it, just out of Remy’s reach. Yeah, sometimes Kirby is asking for it.
I don’t blame Kirby for wanting to get one up on the little guy. After all, he was here first. But I can't help remembering how much grief he gave Baxter when Kirby was a pup and feeling like Kirby does have a little of that coming back at him. At least Kirby, like Baxter, seems well aware that he should not physically hurt the puppy. I’m just wondering when the gloves will come off and if, by that time, Remy will be so big that Kirby no longer has an advantage. I guess we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.
In the meantime, if segregation is the only way to maintain some semblance of peace in the house, so be it...even if that means both Jamie and I get up at the crack o’dark (which is sort of like taking the fox, chicken and corn across in two boats...)
In the meantime, if segregation is the only way to maintain some semblance of peace in the house, so be it...even if that means both Jamie and I get up at the crack o’dark (which is sort of like taking the fox, chicken and corn across in two boats...)
Wirehaired Pointing Griffon,
Friday, January 04, 2013
Puppy Yin and Yang
While it’s tempting to write about all the crazy antics of puppyhood, it bears mentioning now and again that every puppy has moments where he or she behaves like a perfect little adult. We’ve experienced this a lot with Remy in the last week. He lies down on my feet while I write on my laptop or he stations himself on a nearby rug to nap while my husband is working on art projects at the table. He pads around the house, looks out the windows, plays quietly with his toys and doesn’t chew on anyone’s shoes. These are times of bliss and they all occur when Kirby is upstairs and Remy is downstairs with one or both of us. When he is the only dog among humans, Remy is remarkably mellow.
I’m also really proud of the little guy for passing a couple of challenging tests over the New Year’s holiday. We had guests over for two days in a row, and each day the coffee table was covered with bowls of sweet and savory goodies to munch on. Needless to say, with a puppy around, either Jamie or I always had one eye on Remy just to make sure he stayed out of trouble. I’m both surprised and exceedingly pleased to say that Remy never once made a grab for anything on the table, all of which was easily within his reach. (We’ve been challenging Remy around food on the coffee table for weeks…at this point I’m pretty certain the little guy thinks his middle name is “NO, OFF!” but he seems to get the picture…knock wood.)
Remy passed another test during New Year’s dinner when we humans were busy chatting at the table and not paying much attention to what the puppy was doing. Suddenly I heard the little jingle of Remy’s dangling door bells. I turned around and there he was, sitting sweetly and patiently next to the door waiting to go outside. Perfect. I was so proud. He’s been using his door bells pretty consistently, but most of the time we are watching him while he’s out and about the house. This was his first test of freedom while the humans were quite distracted and he passed with flying colors. A perfect little Griff demo puppy for the guests.
I’m not sure what, if any, definitions there are for “yin” or “yang” specific to dog behavior, but the concept does pretty well capture the way of the puppy, the duality of the little angel and the little devil somehow residing inside of the same adorable little creature. He plays with seemingly boundless energy then moments later he’s lying on his back snoring. He does something extraordinary and I’m convinced we are living with a little canine genius, then five minutes later I’m pulling a rock out of his mouth. He behaves like a little adult when he is alone with the humans, then unleashes his inner hyena when Kirby enters the room. (In fact, even the symbol for yin/yang is a pretty good visual representation of what Kirby and Remy look like whenever they are in a room together… a swirling, twirling mass of scruffy hair held together by tooth and claw, with the occasional eyeball peeking out at what’s going on around them. It's happening right now beneath the sofa where I'm sitting, as a matter of fact...)
As we kick off this new year, I am looking forward to many things, and having the opportunity to raise Remy through his puppyhood is one of the big ones.
New Year's,
Wirehaired Pointing Griffon
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